Book a free 60min session with MVNO BI consultant

Are you struggling with analysing your data? Keen to sharpen your processes of business intelligence reporting?

During this time-limited offer we give you a free 60min consultation with data guru of MVNO analytics Vaidas Lauzeckas. Having a background of data analytics consulting within telecom industry and expertise with MVNOs Vaidas will share his practical insights and discuss the issues you are facing within your BI analytics playground. Your current pains might already have a cure and if not – Vaidas will help you find a solution on the spot.

Just use the scheduling interface on the right to pick a timeslot suitable for you, fill out the fields to help Vaidas understand your background and the questions in mind and have a productive 60-minute session.

I have been obsessed with Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics all my professional career. Since 2005 I have been helping businesses address their BI pain points, starting with TeliaSonera group.
While working as a consultant and helping telecoms across Europe I have realised how difficult it gets for small MVNOs to analyse data, as the resources are often very limited. Solid data analytic capabilities, however, are crucial for every telecom business, be it a start-up or a global enterprise.
Today, we work mainly with telcos and MVNOs in Western Europe and CEE who want to upgrade or fix their BI capabilities quickly and cost-effectively.

Vaidas Lauzeckas
CEO at MVNOanalytics


CEO and data guru

8 years of experience in telco and MVNO business.

Schedule time with me

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